page 58,132 title display - prototype program .model TINY .286 .code .startup main proc far jmp start coll db ? l_message equ $-message start: mov ah,00h mov al,013h int 10h mov cx,63 XOR DX,DX MOV DH,63 MOV DL,63 ii: DEC DH DEC DL DEC CL Mov ah,10h mov al,10h cmp CL,1 INT 10h JNE ii mov ah,0ch mov cx,63 ;set column mov dx,1 mov CX,63 nsd: mov ah,0ch mov al,CL mov dx,160 mov bx,0 int 10h cmp CX,1 je en dec CX jmp nsd en: mov ah,00h mov AL,03h int 10h MOV AX,4C00h ; Send exit code to dos INT 21h ; Send command to DOS main endp end main