Screenshots From The Shrine

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   Here are screenshots from the Shrine.  They were taken using Doom95 so I 
could get pictures at a good resolution of 640 X 400.  The screenshots should 
hopefully give you a good idea what the levels are like.  Have a look and enjoy!
The Shrine is a 20 level Doom2 episode.  
You heard rumours about a lost industrial base, but never
believed them.  Then in 1984 the base just disappeared.  Strange demonic noised
were heard from the machinery and structures but were mistakenly attributed to
a practical joke, or sabotage.
On your way home from hell, you run into it.  Its still operational and in use, but its not 
original owners making use of the facilities.  A more diabolical form of management is running
the show now.
The Shrine is the heart of the facility.  Get to it and shut it down, and destroy the enemy
while you are there.

These screenshots are here so you can get some idea what the levels are like.

           Just click on the thumbnail for a larger image.       

Level 1, off to a good start

A fire fight in Level 6

Level 6, heavy metal, hot lead and a bad attitude!

Level 9, taking a stroll

Level 12 (my favourite),confronting the uglies in a crossfire

The Long Range Teleporter beaming in re-inforcements in Level 15

Level 16. Nice window. Constantly opens and closes

A Revenant stading in a dangerous location in Level 17

The unholy library. Just part of the large city complex in level 18

Leve l 19, the penultimate end before we confront the Shrine.

You can download The Shrine from the download page

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